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|Art Maze, Copenhagen
Breaking the Surface in Copenhagen
Only installation, for combo ticket including AquaSonic, go to "AquaSonic in Copenhagen" event.
Registration is closed
See other events時間和地點
2024年6月02日 11:00 – 13:30
Art Maze, Copenhagen, Bryggervangen 7, 2. sal, 2100 København, Denmark
You can also see the underwater concert AquaSonic, for multiple ticket, go to AquaSonic in Copenhagen events.
Breaking the Surface
Kun udstilling. Inkluderer ikke AquaSonic. Publikum lukkes ind i grupper af 6-10 mennesker ad gangen med 10 minutters mellemrum. Vi gør opmærksom på, at der muligvis kan opstå kort ventetid.
從 DKK 50.00 到 DKK 90.00銷售已完結- DKK 90.00+DKK 2.25 服務費
- DKK 50.00+DKK 1.25 服務費
DKK 0.00
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